Malpractice, Maladministration, and Plagiarism Policy

1. Scope

This policy applies to all staff and learners registered on accredited NEBDN training courses at DNT.

2. Purpose

This policy aims to:

• Define malpractice, maladministration, and plagiarism.
• Outline the responsibilities of staff and learners in preventing and identifying these issues.
• Detail the procedures for reporting and investigating suspected or confirmed cases.

3. Definitions

3.1. Malpractice
Malpractice refers to any deliberate actions that undermine the integrity of training, assessment, or administrative processes. Examples include:

• Deliberate failure to adhere to the NEBDN framework for course accreditation.
• Failure to maintain appropriate auditable records.
• Permitting collusion in examinations or assessments.
• Unauthorised copying or distribution of examination papers and materials.
• Completing assessments on behalf of learners.
• Discrimination or bias against learners (in violation of the Equality & Diversity Policy).
• Failure to follow Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) procedures.

3.2. Maladministration
Maladministration refers to improper, careless, or inefficient management practices within the training centre. Examples include:

• Failure to maintain appropriate auditable records.
• Poor administrative practices or IQA procedures.
• Providing inaccurate advice to learners.

3.3. Plagiarism
Plagiarism involves presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own without proper acknowledgment. This includes:

• Copying from another learner or external sources without citation.
• Submitting work that is not original.
• Using unauthorised materials during assessments.

4. Responsibilities

4.1. Training Center Responsibilities

• Preventative Measures: Implement practices to prevent malpractice, maladministration, and plagiarism.
• Reporting: Report all suspected or actual cases to the Course Director.
• Notification: Notify NEBDN promptly via
• Awareness: Ensure all staff and learners are familiar with this policy.
• Cooperation: Fully cooperate with any NEBDN investigations.
• Implementation: Apply corrective actions following any investigation.
• Confidentiality: Maintain confidentiality and comply with Data Protection regulations.

4.2. Staff Responsibilities

• Adhere to NEBDN frameworks and internal IQA procedures.
• Ensure the integrity of assessments and administrative practices.
• Report any suspicions or incidents of malpractice or maladministration.

4.3. Learner Responsibilities

• Submit original work with proper citations and references.
• Avoid any form of cheating, collusion, or unauthorised collaboration.
• Report any concerns regarding malpractice or plagiarism.

5. Procedure

5.1. Reporting Malpractice, Maladministration, or Plagiarism

• Written Submission: Submit a detailed report to the Course Director, including all supporting evidence.
• Information Required:

Name(s) and registration number(s) of those involved.
Job role (if applicable).
Detailed description of the incident, including dates and methods of identification.
Disclosure of any personal interest in the investigation outcome.
Note: While anonymity is allowed, certain investigations may require disclosure of details to relevant parties. Confidentiality will be maintained in line with the ‘raising concerns and Whistleblowing Policy’.

5.2. Investigation Process

• Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge receipt of the report within 2 working days.
• Fair and Thorough Investigation: Conduct a prompt, impartial, and legal investigation.
• Collaboration: Engage NEBDN for additional support if required.

5.3. Findings and Review

• Establish the facts related to the allegations.
• Document all actions taken and findings.
• Determine necessary remedial actions and preventive measures.

6. Timelines

• Investigations will typically be completed within 20 working days.
• If additional time is needed due to complexity or external involvement (e.g., NEBDN), all parties will be informed of the revised timeline.

7. Plagiarism Prevention and Detection

• Learner Responsibility: Learners must ensure that all submitted work is original and appropriately cited.
• Training: Learners will receive guidance on understanding and avoiding plagiarism.
• Detection Measures:

 Use of plagiarism detection tools.
Random checks of submitted work.

8. Appeals

• Appeals must be submitted within 7 working days of receiving the investigation outcome.
• Appeals will be reviewed independently to ensure fairness.