Dental Radiography – NEBDN


A qualified dental nurse who is awarded the NEBDN certificate in Dental Radiography, will be able to act under prescription as an IR(ME)R operator, in order to safely take intra-oral and extra-oral radiographs of patients



Course Fee

£640 + £205 NEBDN Registration Fee

Course Overview

The NEBDN Certificate in Dental Radiography is an equivalent to a level 4 qualification and is a valuable qualification for dental nurses that are hoping to further their careers. All our courses are fully accredited by the NEBDN (National Examining Board of Dental Nurses).

When a learner applies, a 10-minute welcome call is arranged to discuss the basic requirements and ensure that both the learner and the practice are confident in proceeding. Following this, a Teams induction session is scheduled, lasting approximately 40 minutes, and requiring the presence of both the learner and a senior member of staff.

During this session, we provide a detailed overview of the course requirements and discuss how the course will be tailored to fit within the learner’s team. We recognise that each practice is unique, and our bespoke approach ensures that both the learner and the practice have the best possible experience with us.

Once the course expectations have been thoroughly discussed, the learner and practice are able to select their own exam target, based on an informed decision. Please note that we do not alter our fees if you choose to study for a longer or shorter duration. The level of support we provide to learners remains the same, regardless of their study time.

The online course provides:

· Full tutor support and guidance via E-mail, telephone or Zoom/Teams
· All educational material and guidance on how to complete the NEBDN record of competence (ROC)
· All lectures with voiceovers to make learning easier and more enjoyable
· ROC provided in the cost of the course
· Personal student log in to the training website
· Dental Radiography NEBDN Syllabus comprehensively covered
· Personalised ROC completion plan to help keep students on track

Course Structure

The Certificate in dental radiography is for qualified dental nurses already on the GDC Register. Students enrolled on this course will need to keep up to date with the work and complete their ROC to a high standard to be eligible for the exam.

This post-qualification certificate will require direct supervision for each radiograph taken by one or more witnesses within the practice. Any qualified member of staff can witness you to complete your ROC. You can have one or more witnesses, for example, a hygienist, therapist, dentist or dental nurse that holds a radiography qualification.

The mentor is the person accepting overall responsibility to help you throughout your training mentally and they do not have to witness you. Your tutor will contact the mentor with progress reports to inform them of your academic progress and to get feedback on your clinical progress.

Part A – PCAS (Practical competence assessment sheets)

Students are required to take:

· 10 OPT’S (orthopantomography)
· 20 paralleling technique radiographs
· 10 pairs of bitewing radiographs
· 10 types of other radiographs, including 2 bisecting angle technique periapicals (can be undertaken on a dry skull), 2 occlusal views (can be undertaken on a dry skull), 2 cephalometric lateral skull views (can be taken on a dry skull), 4 any ‘other’ type of radiographs.

*Students will need to find an alternative practice if they do not have the equipment in their place of work

Final Examination

This is an online 90 minute exam consisting of 45 MCQ (multiple choice questions) and 30 EMQ’S (extended matching questions) questions. You do not need to attend a centre for this exam, it will be carried out on a computer at home or work under exam conditions.

Part B

The completion of 3 case studies. Each case study must be between 1000-1500 words. The case studies are for the following procedures:

· 1 x DPT
· 1 x Bitewing radiograph
· 1 x Paralleling technique periapical radiograph

Part C

Supplementary Outcomes x 6
Students will need to complete a series of supplementary outcomes for procedures that they may not necessarily gain experience of in a clinical environment or which it may not be possible to assess their knowledge by other means.

These are:
· Oblique lateral mandible
· Bisected angle periapical
· Lateral cephalometric
· A copy of the dental practice local rules
· 2 reflective accounts one at the start of the course and one at the end
· CPD record relating to dental radiography eg: background meetings, reading, courses etc.

Dental Radiography - NEBDN
